They were in St. Louis for a show, and beforehand, were hanging out in Vintage Vinyl, promoting their new record. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend the show. Thankfully, I've seen them live before, so it wasn't that big of a soul crushing experience. I was happy to be able to see them in the record store though, because this was the end result:

But mostly, it's because I generally make a fool of myself when I don't have anything to say. And naturally, after shaking Curt and Chris's hands, all I could manage to sputter out where the old standards, "This has got to be my favorite album of all time, " and, "the new album sounds really good." It was all terribly embarassing, and I can only take comfort in the fact that to them I was just another forgettable gushing fan, which I'm sure their more than used to dealing with.
Still, I suppose everyone deserves their own little sentimentalities(that's a word I just made up, I think), and this one is mine.
Oh, and the new record, Sewn Together, is good. It's still 2000's Meat Puppets, but there are flashes of different era's of the band sprinkled throughout the album. It's about as close to 1980's Meat Puppets as 2009 Meat Puppets can be, I suppose. Plus, how can you hate a record that looks like this:

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